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The Story of Manish Tamang

from Manisha Basnet Bhandari (Principal)

Life is infinite ways of looking at things you explore and keep on exploring till the very end.
I Manisha Basnet Bhandari, explored how a small child who been through many obstacles in his life kept evolving with the helping hands of Friends for Nepal (spec. Tom Stuppner) & Dolphin Magic School.
It was two years ago, I saw a small child in pharping with blood around his small nose. His grandfather was holding him and I asked the reason behind that. He cunningly said there is leech inside his nose for two weeks and hospital couldn’t do anything. I was really desperate to help him. You can’t imagine how it feels something inside your nose slowly crawling towards your brain. I shared my experience with our teachers and we agreed to go for home visit. His home is near to our school in lamagaun. When we were at his home he was very much shy and reserved. We convinced him somehow and with a help of our teacher we took him to hospital. Luckily with the help of medical assistance we were able to pull off the leach out of his nose. We all were relieved. I later came to know that kid was 3 and half year old. So I asked his mother to send the kid to school for education, knowledge their economic condition and backwardness.
Being called Manish, with the paws of time we came to notice different behaviors of him. He was different, smart and very curious child. Unable to communicate with him we came to know he couldn’t hear so that he can’t speak. I went to communication with Tom Stuppner and he paid home visit when he came to Nepal last time.
Tom provided me personal fund to have Manish’s ear check. I went to Kathmandu to check Manish’s condition in various hospitals. Though, villagers had superstition that he will be speaking after five years but we had different perspective. We were thinking something blocking his ear to avoid him to hear.
Manish got his ear flushed and wax got cleaned off of his ear. Still no chance that he could hear the mersmersing sounds of nature. Doctors referred Manish to a special place where there was glimpse & hope. Nepal “Hearing and Speech Care Pvt. Ltd” is the name of the organization. Manish ha to went through all the sensor test and diagnosis.
We later came to know that Manish is ny birth unable to hear. His hearing nerves are by birth not working. Doctor suggested us to give Manish a hearing Aid, and that only could be a way to help him. Knowing that we didn’t have enough funds doctor showed his humanity and offered Manish one hearing Aid of Rs 18000 from the organization side and rest 18000 and diagnosistic charge being helped from Friends for Nepal.

Manish is now just like new born baby. He doesn’t know anything about languages. He just knows the sound. Music teacher Rewant Bhandari is giving him guidance with the help of Music and showing significant improveness.

Meanwhile other teachers in his class helping him to learn words. Manish is doing well and he has eagerness to change his condition.
Manish is really blessed child. He is jolly kid with bright future with help and support of Friends for Nepal.

Nachsatz von Tom:
Wie glaubt ihr, muss es sein, wenn man plötzlich seine Umwelt wahrnimmt, ich denke, jeder von uns kann es sich nicht vorstellen, Laute, Stimmen, Musik zu vernehmen.
Mit Tränen in den Augen erfuhr ich diese wunderbare Nachricht und konnte an einem Video, dass mir gesendet worden ist das erste Mal Manish lachen hören, so ein Lachen, dass jedem das Herz schmelzen lässt.
Ich bin sooo Dankbar, dieses Projekt leiten zu dürfen und zu guter Letzt habe ich erfahren, dass die Hälfte der Kosten das Spital übernimmt, da sie selbst von der Geschichte so berührt waren. Und ach werden seine Pateneltern die andere Hälfte übernehmen und noch weitere Hilfe zusagen. Den jetzt ihr Lieben, geht es darum das Sprechen zu erlernen….
3 mal die Woche sollten wir mit ihm zu einem Spezialisten fahren, aber 3 mal ist wirklich ein großer Aufwand und vielleiht gelingt es uns, bei uns im Dorf etwas zu installieren, damit wir diese Kosten senken können, wir bleiben dran…
Dankbarkeit und Demut - Tom

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